Friday, January 28, 2011


Ah, the first post. The pressure to set the tone, the color of the blog, because like the cliche goes, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression." I'm not too concerned with first impressions. Most of you will already know me, and will think what you have thought of me since you have known me. That being said, for those who don't know me, one of the driving forces behind my decision to move (and this blog, for that matter)is the fact that I have for all of my life existed in some sort of personal limbo. I have lived (am living?) in that space between the person I want to be and the person I actually am. The last year has lessened the gap between the two spaces (who I want to be vs. who I am)somewhat but I still have a ways to go. I am convinced that the former does not exist/cannot exist in Philly. Other than my family, there is nothing physical tying me to this city. I will go into more detail in a seperate post about my decision to leave and to go to California. As for now, this is the first post. Take it or leave it.